
§ 1 Name, registered office, financial year

The association bears the name: Live Science. It should be entered in the register of associations. After registration, this adds e.V. to its name. The association is based in Dresden. The financial year is the calendar year.

§ 2 Purpose of the association

The purpose of the association is in particular:

  • the promotion of education, basic and vocational training, including student support (§ 52 Para. 2 No. 7 AO);
  • the promotion of equal rights for women and men (§ 52 Abs.2 Nr.18 AO);
  • the promotion of international sentiment, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding (§52 Para.2 No.13 AO).

The purposes of the statute are realized through

  • Planning and implementation of educational events, such as symposia, lectures, exhibitions, science festivals, science slams and other events that are intended to promote international exchange with the participation of international scientists.
  • Promotion and empowerment of girls and young people who are discriminated against because of their gender identity or orientation, through target group-specific educational projects, especially in the natural sciences.
  • Promotion of academics who are disadvantaged in work and society due to their gender identity or orientation through further training measures, e.g. workshops and seminars in the field of communication and education.
  • Promotion of the scientific and professional exchange of experience between women and people who are discriminated against because of their gender identity or orientation in science through the formation of working groups.
  • Demonstrating the structural disadvantages of women and people who are discriminated against because of their gender identity or their gender orientation in science by setting the appropriate focus at events.
  • Cooperation with non-profit corporations or corporations under public law such as museums, associations and educational institutions within the meaning of the association's purpose.
  • Raising funds to support the activities of other bodies that meet the objectives of the statute.

The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes of the tax code". The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. Funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive payments from the association. No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.

§ 3 Acquisition of Membership

Any natural or legal person who is committed to the association's goals can become a member of the association.  The text of the application for admission is to be addressed to the Executive Board. With the application, the applicant accepts the statutes in the event of his or her admission.  The Board of Directors decides on admission by resolution. The decision must be communicated to the applicant; it needs no justification. The Executive Board can reject the application without giving reasons.

§ 4 Rights and duties of the members

The members are obliged to support the goals and interests of the association and to observe the resolutions of the association's bodies. The members are entitled to use the facilities of the association and to take part in the events. They have equal voting rights in the General Assembly. A transfer of voting rights is not permitted. Legal entities fulfill their rights and obligations through a natural person entitled to represent them. 

§ 5 Honorary Members

The General Assembly can appoint honorary members.

§ 6 Termination of Membership

Membership ends upon death, declaration of resignation, expulsion or cancellation of membership. The resignation is to be explained to the board in writing. Withdrawal is permitted subject to a notice period of one month at the end of each calendar year. In order to meet the deadline, a member of the Management Board must receive the declaration of resignation in good time. Exclusion from the association is only permitted for good reason. The board of directors decides on the exclusion from the association. If the member raises an objection to this decision within two weeks, the General Assembly will decide upon the member's application. Deletion from the list of members can take place if the member does not pay the annual fee despite two written requests with a deadline. The reminder must be sent to the last person known to the association.

§ 7 Membership Fees

The association can charge a membership fee. The amount of any membership fee for natural and legal persons is determined by the general assembly. The Executive Board can defer contributions or waive them completely or in part. An admission fee is not charged.

§ 8 Organs of the association

Organs of the association are:

  • the Board of Directors
  • the General Assembly

§ 9 Forms of conducting body meetings/assemblies

Assemblies/meetings of the bodies within the meaning of § 8 can be held in the presence of their members or virtually (see letter a.), or in a combination of face-to-face and virtual implementation (hybrid implementation form, see letter b.), or by written vote ( Letter c.) or without a meeting/assembly (letter d.), i.e. held at a meeting location partially or completely without the presence of the members of the body.

The board of directors is responsible for the decision on the form of implementation at general meetings, the chairperson at board meetings. The decision must be communicated in the invitation. In the case of a written vote (see letter c.), the chairperson or, in his/her absence, the deputy chairperson sets a deadline that must at least correspond to the invitation deadline and requests a written vote. In urgent cases (voting procedure in text form, see item d.), the chairperson or, if he/she is unable to do so, the deputy chairperson sets a reasonable deadline for voting. Business and/or electoral regulations can regulate further details. Compliance with the form and deadline can be waived. Minutes are to be drawn up for meetings of bodies in each form of implementation, which in particular has to document the resolutions that have been passed. It is to be signed by the chairperson or, if the chairperson is unavailable, by the deputy chairperson and made available to the board members at least in text form.

  1. Virtual execution
    The virtual implementation is carried out by all board members dialing into a video or telephone conference (virtual meeting room), in which they can exercise their rights by means of electronic communication. With the invitation to a virtual meeting, the members of the body must be provided with the dial-in data via a secure transmission path. The technical solution, usually a corresponding platform on the Internet, must enable access to the virtual space only to authorized persons who have registered there as part of an appropriate authentication process. The exercise of the rights of the board members to participate, the right to speak and ask questions as well as the right to participate in votes must be guaranteed by the technical system, in particular it must be ensured (e.g. by a chat function) that speeches and questions from individual participants are can be perceived by other participants. Legitimate participants must ensure at all times that the principles of confidentiality, secrecy and data protection are observed. In particular, casual participation in virtual meetings by unauthorized persons by the participants must be effectively excluded.

  2. Hybrid execution
    A combination of presence and virtual implementation is possible, in particular by giving the participants the opportunity to take part in the face-to-face meeting by means of video or telephone connection or, if the participant is physically present at the meeting location, to exercise their rights by means of electronic communication. For hybrid sessions, the provisions of letter a.) apply accordingly.

  3. Written implementation
    The chairperson or the board of directors can also enable the members of the body with voting rights to cast their votes in writing before the meeting is held within the set period of time without attending the meeting in person (“written vote”). Members' votes are valid if they have been submitted to the chairperson or, if they are unable to do so, to the deputy chairperson by the start of the relevant voting process in the face-to-face meeting in writing (i.e. with a personal signature, transmission by fax is possible, alternatively by e-mail with qualified electronic signature, § 126 Abs. 3 in connection with § 126a BGB).

  4. Voting procedure in text form
    In the case of urgency, resolutions can be passed in text form using the voting procedure. A decision without a meeting of the members of the body is valid if all members were involved, at least half of the members entitled to vote have cast their votes in text form by the date set by the chairperson or, if they are unable to do so, by the deputy chairperson and the decision was passed by a two-thirds majority.

§ 9 Board of Directors

The board of the association consists of the first chairman, the deputy chairman and the cashier.
The association is represented in and out of court in all association matters by the first chairman alone or by the deputy chairman and another member of the board together. 
The board of directors is elected by the general assembly in a secret ballot. Re-election is possible. The term of office is 1 year. The board remains in office until a new election takes place. 
The office of a member of the board also ends when he leaves the association. If a member resigns before the end of his or her term of office, the Board of Directors elects a substitute member for the period until the next general meeting.
The board makes its decisions with a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chair decides. 
The Board of Directors meets at least once a year. The first chairman must send a written invitation to the meeting with a notice period of at least 2 weeks and announce the agenda.

§ 10 Compensation for association activities

The offices of the association and organs are exercised on a voluntary basis.

§ 12 General Assembly

The general meeting is to be convened,

  • if it is in the interest of the association,
  • at least once a year,
  • if a member of the Executive Board resigns within three months, if a quarter of all members request the convening, stating the purpose and the reasons

The board of directors shall submit an annual report and annual accounts to the meeting to be convened under paragraph 1 letter b above. The meeting has to pass a resolution on the discharge of the board of directors. 

The board of directors must send a written invitation to the general meeting, observing a notice period of at least 2 weeks and announcing the agenda. The period begins on the day following the sending of the letter of invitation. The letter of invitation is deemed to have been received by the member if it is sent to the last e-mail address given to the association in writing by the member. Each member can request the Executive Board in writing that further matters be added to the agenda at a later date. The leader of the meeting then has to supplement the agenda accordingly at the beginning. The general meeting decides on applications for additions to the agenda that are only made in the general meeting.

The General Assembly is responsible in particular for:

  • discharge of the Executive Board,
  • die Entlastung des Vorstands,
  • election of the first chairperson, the deputy chairperson, and the cashier,
  • passing resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association,
  • determining the membership fees,
  • Beschlussfassung über Anträge des Vorstands und der Mitglieder,Beschlussfassung über die Auflösung des Vereins,
  • election of the auditor.

Each duly convened general meeting has a quorum. The participation of three quarters of the members of the association is required to pass a resolution on the dissolution of the association. If there is no quorum, a second general meeting can be convened with this item on the agenda. This is then quorate regardless of the number of participating members. This is to be pointed out in the invitation. The repetition can take place on the same day as the first general meeting, but must be carried out no later than four months after the first day of the meeting. The repeat assembly can already be convened with the summons to the first general assembly. 

A resolution on the dissolution of the association requires a majority of three quarters of the participating members, a resolution containing an amendment to the statutes requires a majority of two thirds of the participating members. 

The decision-making process is decided by the majority of the participating members. In the event of a tie, an application is deemed to have been rejected. Abstentions are counted as votes not cast.  

§ 13 Invoice verification

The annual accounts must be checked by the auditor.

§ 14 Dissolution of the association

The dissolution of the association can only be decided by a specially convened general meeting with a three-quarters majority. The invitation period is 4 weeks. The assembly appoints at least one liquidator.
In the event of dissolution or annulment of the association or if tax-privileged purposes no longer apply, the assets of the association shall pass to a legal entity under public law or another tax-privileged corporation that exclusively and directly pursues tax-privileged purposes within the meaning of the third section of the document. The general assembly is responsible for making specific decisions about this.
The above provisions apply accordingly if the association is dissolved for another reason or loses its legal capacity.

§ 15 Final Provisions 

If textual or statement corrections to the articles of association are mandatory on the part of the registry court or other authorities, the board is authorized to make these corrections.
